Content can make or break your business, which is why you want it to stand out in the right ways. On Josh Steimle’s latest blog, he asked nine entrepreneurs what our tips were for optimizing content marketing. For me, it’s pretty simple: Make sure it’s correct! Typos, poor grammar, and subpar writing in general can make you and your business look highly unprofessional.

I see typos day in and day out, including in some very respected media journals and newspapers. A top notch editorial process is very important. For example? is fraught with errors. On smaller blogs, like mine, typos might be “expected” by some readers, but that doesn’t mean they’re excusable.

There are some other great tips in Steimle’s blog, too, such as naming names. It sounds simple, right? However, lack of proper citation, data, and digging is lacking in today’s journalism as well as in your average blog and article. Focus on quality as well as quantity, since too little content marketing (regardless of how great it is) will make readers lose interest. Find out more fantastic ways to up your content marketing game before 2016!

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9 Ways to Make Your Content Marketing Stand Out-with John Rampton